Jamie’s food revolution blog of the month

Hi there!!

For those that follow and visit my blog on a regular basis I just wanted to let you know that my blog Eat Good 4 Life has made it on the Jamie’s Food Revolution cite as one of the food blogs of the month. 

I am extremely honored, happy, grateful, surprise, excited and the list goes on…
For having the blog up and running for just 5 months it is quite an accomplishment, or at least it is for me, since I have very little spare time to dedicate to things that I love. Parents out there know what I am talking about :-), especially for those with newborns like in my case.

Anyhow, I have been following Jamie for the longest time. Not just since he came over to the US for his food revolution campaign, but prior when he was in the food network. He is pretty much one of my idols :-)

I have come to learn that the new season of Jamie’s Food Revolution will start filming in LA at the beginning of next year. I really can’t wait to see the new season. Hopefully him and his team will get to accomplish great things on the west coast and spread the word for healthy eating at schools all around the US and the world .

You go Jamie!


Article at GLAMOUR magazine for my Spinach and Strawberry smoothie.

Article on CNN for National Chocolate Parfait Day with my Peanut Butter and Chocolate Parfait.


  1. Wow, Miryam, qué pasada!!!! Enhorabuena!!!!! No te mereces menos, la verdad, tienes un blog estupendo. Debes sentirte muy orgullosa. Felicidades guapisima.

  2. Hey, gracias chica la verdad es que me ha hecho mogollon de ilusion especialmente porque me encanta Jamie, sus comidas, personalidad y sus libros. En fin ahora lo unico que queda es conocerlo aunque lo dudo :-)

  3. Love your blog – yes, Jamie made everyone over here (UK) re-think school dinners and they have changed quite a bit! Congrats on the mention too, that’s great news :)

  4. Jo, thanks for visiting my blog :-)
    That is cool that they are listening in the UK as well.

    I remember eating at school back in the day in Spain and everything was made from scratch. They had awesome dinners that I remember. I still remember the oven roasted chicken with potatoes that was my favorite:-)

    It is getting bad in Spain now though. I don’t know what this schools officials are thinking these days…..

  5. Wow!!! Congratulations! That is great. I loved watching Food Revolution and can’t wait til it comes on again! Keep up the good work. Your mother-in-law, Kathy, has promised me if I try a cauliflower recipe (??) of yours, I won’t be sorry. Would it be on your site?

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog Jen.

    Yes it is pretty good that mac and cheese. I have not made it for a while but sure you have remind it me about it, will put it in the menu this week, will make it with some shrimp as well though :-)

    Thanks for visiting again

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