Super refreshing green juice

Lately I have been making quite a few different type of juices and this super refreshing green juice is just one of the many variations we have liked most.

super refreshing green juice

After getting my juicer about a couple of weeks ago I have been using it quite a lot. I want to start collecting my scraps to make cakes, muffins and such because with all the amount of juices I am making I hate to waste the fiber and the goodness from all these organic ingredients.

Variations are endless when it comes to making juices and while there are some vegetables my kids don’t enjoy mixing them with certain fruits camouflages the flavor so that they will drink them. The flavor they especially don’t like comes from beets. Adding apples and a bit of ginger or lemon makes the beet flavor much milder.

I love adding parsley to most my juices for the high amount of antioxidants it brings. Even though I use plenty while cooking I like to have it on its raw state.

Have you guys been juicing for a while? What are your favorite combinations? I love this super refreshing green juice because it tastes like something I have never tasted before. If you add the lemon it will add even more refreshing taste to it. All in all I think it is one of my favorite juices so far.

I am sure I am going to be posting many other variations shortly since I can’t get enough of my juicer. If you have any tricks on how to keep the scraps I would love to hear about them.


super refreshing green juice


Super refreshing green juice

Miryam's original recipe

Yield: 4 servings

Total Time: 5 minutes


  • 2 organic cucumbers
  • 1 big  head organic celery
  • 4 organic apples
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley
  • 1 lemon, pealed, optional


Wash all your produce before putting through the juicer.

There is no need to peel them if fruits and vegetables are organic. If you can't afford organic produce or if it is not available to you just spray them with apple cider vinegar and wash very well.

I use mason jars to store my juice but it is best when the juice is consumed immediately!

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