Dark chocolate and peanut butter popcorn

I am not much of a popcorn person but making my own and this dark chocolate and peanut butter popcorn is something different. I think I am obsess with it!


Have you ever tried to pop your corn in a brown bag in the microwave? Well if you haven’t you really should. Those prepacked boxes they have at the supermarket with hundreds of weird flavors and ingredients are not only a waste of your money but a waste of your time.

I don’t know when I discovered this method but before I did I pretty much never popped corn. My popcorn machine broke a long time ago and I truly didn’t want to be bother with making popcorn in the stove and having more dishes to clean.

I sometimes just pop the corn and use celtic salt and pepper and I am good to go but you can try other variations. I think the popcorn will be really good with some Parmesan cheese as well.

This dark chocolate and peanut butter popcorn variation is rather yummy. A little goes a long way. I kind of went over board and triple the batch since there are lots of mouths to feed at my house. Running short when making something really yummy is something I don’t like to run into because then, my kids and I start fighting over the goodies!

I have also made another white chocolate version that was really good. You can do just plain dark chocolate popcorn if you like but the peanut butter adds some protein a nice flavor to it.

Let me know if you come up with other variations. This dark chocolate and peanut butter popcorn is actually pretty good.



Place 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels on each brown paper bag and fold the top like in the picture before placing in the microwave.


Once the popcorn is done place it on a baking sheet to cool. Add the chocolate mixture and mix through. Let it sit until the chocolate mixture is set. Alternatively you can place the baking sheet in the fridge for a faster result.


This is the other variation I was talking to you about which I made a while back, white chocolate popcorn. If you want the recipe for this one click here.


Dark chocolate and peanut butter popcorn

Miryam's original recipe

Yield: 8-10 servings

Total Time: 10 minutes


  • 1 cup unpopped popcorn kernels
  • 1 1/2 cup chunky or creamy peanut butter
  • 1 cup dark chocolate chips
  • 1 cup brown rice cereal
  • 2 brown paper bags



In each paper bag, like in the picture, place 1/2 cup popcorn kernels and fold top of the bag twice.

Place, one at a time, in the microwave and set to high for 4 minutes. Listen carefully for when kernels stop popping. As soon as the popping stops, take the bag out of the microwave. (Mine took about 4 minutes but my microwave is not too powerful so you may be enough with 2-3 minutes).

Place popcorn in a baking sheet and lay flat to cool. Once the popcorn is cooled add the brown rice cereal.

On a double boiler melt chocolate. When the chocolate is melted add the peanut butter and mix through until combined. Pour chocolate mixture over the popcorn and with your clean hands mix chocolate through.

Set aside until chocolate sets and serve.


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Nutrition facts calculated based on the recipe giving 10 servings.